a dark haired woman in a t-shirt holds up a beverage on an outdoor patio in a city

Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where are you based? How do you spend your days?

I'm based in Brooklyn, where I've been for over a decade. I have a regular boring office job, and in my free time I generally go out and see the city—bars and restaurants, parks and events—or travel. One of my greatest joys in life is sitting outside a cafe in a foreign city and watching the world go by. Of course, New York is one of the best places for this, which is part of why I've stayed here for so long.

a woman takes a selfie in a mirror in a sunny room she is wearing a crocheted scary clown mask
a pair of snakeskin knee high boots against a white background

Leather boots available in Tori's shop

How did you hear about Noihsaf Bazaar / when did you become a part of the community?

I heard about the Instagram account from... a friend, I think? Many years ago, before the website, when you'd send an email with photos and listing info. I was selling a lot online at the time and trying to 'build up my vintage brand,' so to speak. I've since realized that the line between using social media for fun/personal stuff, and then for work/money stuff, is just not one I want to cross. Actually, I'm fully off social media since last August. I miss the memes, but my mental health has greatly improved.

What is your favorite Noihsaf score?

My favorite score right now is a raw silk Ozma top. I have been bulking up my summer wardrobe with lots of linens and raw silks, because I'm a sweaty girlie who overheats very easily. I've recently come to accept that, although 70s maxi dresses are, to me, the pinnacle of fashion—most of them are polyester, and that's just not in the cards for me, even in the dead of winter.

How would you describe your personal style? Do you have any style inspirations that you return to?

I'd describe my style as...chameleonic but also bold? Which I think really is just how I'd describe myself, too. I'm a rotator—most things don't stay in my closet for more than a couple of years, which is why I pretty much only buy secondhand (and also why I got into selling online). For me, fashion has been a pretty personal journey, to understand what suits my (again, ever-changing) body, and what I feel comfortable in. I'm in this long phase of only wearing natural fibers, especially silk and cashmere... a lifestyle that can really only be afforded via thrifting. I've always admired both of my parents' styles, and have slowly pilfered things from their closets over the years. I love seeing an old photo of one of them in something I wear now.

a toddler riding on the shoulders of a dark haired man wearing glasses and a blue sweatshirt
a woman in a white fur hat wearing her fathers vintage sunglasses

Do you have any designers/brands that you’re especially into these days?

I pretty much only wear vintage, and I do have vintage brands I gravitate toward, like Compagnie Internationale Express or Joan and David, but contemporary brands have always kind of escaped me. It is one reason I love Noihsaf—my friends in my phone will find the best contemporary brands for me, and then sell me their stuff secondhand :)

What trend are you currently loving, or what trend would you like to see?

Ah, coquette-core. I've always leaned a bit toward huge sleeves and bows, so when Poor Things came out, suddenly people on the street would tell me they "liked my Emma Stone outfit," which was funny. I read an interview with the costume designer for that movie, who said her inspiration was basically Victorian child outfits that were only half formed—which really made me feel seen.

a baby blue and lace top laid flat on a white background
a woman in a booth at a restaurant wearing a frilly pink top with puffy sleeves and a bow at the neck

Lace trim top available in Tori's shop

Favorite song to play when getting dressed?

My partner mostly puts on really esoteric, poorly recorded black metal when I'm getting dressed. I think the goal is to create an inhospitable environment, to make sure I don't take too long pulling together an outfit. I usually still do, though.

a woman in a swimsuit sitting on an outdoor toilet in a tropical location

Thanks Tori! 👋