Noihsaf Newsletter – June 2024


It's all fun and fits until you're stuck in LGA for 11 hours


As promised, we meet again this month to recap my jam-packed week in New York. I flew in with a mere 60 lbs of clothes and accessories because I'll never be a light packer—options are freedom! For the first time, I felt completely "set" outfit-wise and didn't need to go shopping right off the plane. After weeks of planning my looks, I was ready for four events, two of which Noihsaf was hosting. 

Day 1: Landed in LGA and headed and checked in at the hotel with an hour to spare before heading to Pop Up Grocer for Erika Veurink’s EV Salon. I opted for a simple jeans and tee situation making my Halmenara shoes the center of attention. The wispy trench was borrowed from a friend, but it’s something I continue to scour the internet for. The shoes may be my favorite purchase of 2024 thus far. I left her event with a few new friends and the best gift bag which included my new favorite hair conditioner and a vibrator. Not a bad first day.

Black Tank from. No.6 on sale! / Mara Hoffman Jeans / Helmenara shoes / Nomia trench

Day 2: Had a leisurely morning walking around LES amidst a sea of college graduates. I opted for blue jeans (a recent purchase from IDUN) and my RC blue sweatshirt. Later in the afternoon, I made my way to Colbo to celebrate the launch of my favorite design Substack, For Scale, in print form. I was congratulated twice by families leaving ceremonies who mistook my oversized dress for a graduation robe—no harm, no foul.

1.Buffalo x Junya Watanabe sneakers / Rachel Comey dress / Faris earrings
Blue Stanza sweatshirt(similar)pink sneakers / Mara Hoffman Georgina jeans

The lovely Ksenia holding up our AD outside of Colbo!

Day 3: Slept in! Met a friend for lunch at Via Carota, then headed to Glo Spa for a mid-trip facial refresh. I was initially planning to visit Face Gym, but my friend Ilana (Kohn) insisted I see her girl, Sai. Sai was warm and welcoming, making it the perfect little break in my week. Despite my better judgment, I met friends for happy hour and ended up having a 4 a.m. dinner at Katz's, probably undoing any benefits from said facial.

Laura Manoogian blazer / pants (not seeing this style on her site anymore - boo!) / shoes are secondhand Everlane 

Day 4: Hungover and in between hotel moves, I spent my day bopping around shops. I gawked at all the gems hanging in Desert Vintage. I made my way to Bode around the corner and tried on a jacket I will never own but will live in my heart for eternity. After a bagel break, I headed to Assembly New York, where I bought a black dress that has proven to be a great decision. I've worn it so much since—with tees underneath, a sexy bra, a blazer, etc. It packs well and is very comfortable. I truly cannot sing higher praises.

Bode Jacket of my dreams / Acid green Rachel Comey jeans (Fall 2019)

Day 5: I spent most of the day working from the hotel and getting my head on straight for the night. I was hosting a small party with a handful of fashion and design writers. This was the impetus for my trip to NYC: throw a party and invite all the writers I've read throughout the years of starting Noihsaf Bazaar. My friend (via Noihsaf!) Natasha baked a cake for the event, and my lovely sidekick, Erika Veurink, helped with the invites and set up the space at the chic Margot Brooklyn. The night was so, so, so sweet, and I met many who have inspired and supported me over the years. My friend Nick (who is opening a shop in MPLS soon!) made special pins for all the guests, and Kelsey Cherry documented the night on film.

1. Borrowed this amazing Julia Heuer dress from a friend (thank you Leslie!) / hugs between Natasha and Rachael of C.Cassis 2. Beautiful Natasha Pickowicz with her beautiful cake 

Parting gifts from Lundeen Jewelry and For Scale

Day 6: Last but not least was our After Hours event at the beloved shop Ilana Kohn. This was extra special to me, as Ilana and I had become (Blogger [IYKYK]) friends before she launched her namesake brand and Noihsaf came to be. I wore Ilana Kohn of course! I opted for lilac purple shorts and matching linen button down with MNZ wedges. I met SO MANY of our New York community; my face might still hurt from all the smiling. Lots of pinch-me moments in one room. We saluted the night with slices from Scarr’s.

Drinks from Frenchie, Aplõs, and C.Cassis at our After Hours event at Ilana Kohn
Photos by Anna Maria Lopez

Sweet Tiffany and her pup Stew (Thank you for the yummy soup!)

Day 7/8: Instead of taking it easy on my last day, I ended up in Fort Greene with (rabble-rouser) Ilana once again. I had the best cocktail of my life at Sailor. I can’t remember the name, but it was rum-based, which is probably why I stayed out until the wee hours of the morning. Half alive, I checked into my early flight only to find it had been delayed... and delayed again... and again. Eleven hours in LGA with the worst hangover ever was a penance for one of my favorite weeks in New York. Can’t wait to come back!

Noihsaf teamsters Meredith and Moses closing out the night with a slice :)

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