How do Instant Payouts work?

Instant Payouts are here!

Fourteen days after your first Standard Payout, you’ll unlock the ability to use our new Instant Payouts feature for a 2% fee ($1 minimum).

While Standard Payouts typically take 2-3 business days to arrive in your bank, Instant Payouts typically arrive within 30 minutes.

Note that this feature is only available if you use a Debit Card as your Stripe Payout Account.

Adjusting your Stripe Payout Account to enable Instant Payouts

If you previously added a Bank Account (rather than a Debit Card) as your Stripe Payout Account, you won’t be able to use this feature. However, you can switch your Payout Account with a few simple steps.

  1. Visit your My Balance page on Noihsaf Bazaar.
  2. Click the link for "Your Stripe Account Dashboard".
  3. You’ll get a text message or similar to log you in to Stripe Connect.
  4. Once you're logged in, click the account icon (a little person) in the top right of the screen.
  5. Under the "Payout Details" section, click on "Noihsaf Bazaar".
  6. Confirm your existing Payout Account details.
  7. Once you confirm your existing Payout Account details, you should be able to edit them. At this point, just make sure to add a Debit Card rather than a Bank Account.

Note that while almost all U.S. Debit Cards support Instant Payouts – there are some that don’t. You can check out this list on Stripe’s website to see if yours qualifies.